
Too Much Left Undiscussed

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Rainforest Found

While I was scanning the news today, this article on Illinois caught my eye. Scientists were working in the area and found "fossilised remains of an ancient rainforest". This discovery came during the exploration of a 'excavated coal mine'. From the remains that the Scientists found, they discovered that they dated back approximately 300 million years. This means that the rainforest existed when the continents were combined as one. During the period when North America and Europe were connected as one at the equator, the rainforest lived. Rainforests during this time were different than the ones present today. They contained different trees and were populated by a different variety of organisms. The Scientists say that these remains were made possible by an earthquake that allowed for the pieces to fall below sea level. This discovery amazes me, and it is so great that these remains were found. To know that there was a rainforest that existed, not too far from where I live is crazy to think of. It is a miracle that these remains were able to survive such a long, and I wonder what else lies on this continent.

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